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桂林实力科技有限公司以广西特有的罗汉果资源,研究开发了“桂林甜”系列罗汉果提取物S型(罗汉果甜甙)、罗汉果浸膏L型和罗汉果低血糖生成指数营养健康食品等具有广阔市场前景和深受消费者喜爱的**健康新食品。公司瞄准国际低血糖生成指数营养食品市场需求趋势,进行了罗汉果低血糖生成指数的研究与应用,开发了罗汉果咖啡、罗汉果营养粉、鲜罗汉果素、苦瓜甙等系列营养健康食品,对于调节和控制人体血糖,减少**、肥胖症、**身体健康大有好处。使罗汉果的应用由原始粗放型转向健康精品型,让传统罗汉果的应用走上了深加工的**性健康应用,开创了“罗汉果低血糖生成指数营养品开发与应用”的特色健康产业之路,得到国内外同行与**的和赞赏。公司先后完成二十多项科研成果,获得省级以上科技进步奖六项,发明专利十项,已成为全国专业性罗汉果应用的专业生产企业。 With advanced technology and modern management system, Guilin Shili Science & Technology Co., Ltd has developed Guilin Sweet series products including Luohanguo Glucoside, Luohanguo Extract and Luohanguo Low GI (glycemic index) healthy product and other products which have broad market prospects and been loved by various consumers in the worldwide. Shili Company aims at the demand trend of Low GI nutritional foods market and focus on research & application of Luohanguo Low GI. Our company has developed Luohanguo Caffee, Luohanguo Nutrition Powder, Fresh Luohanguo Essence and Momordicoside. Those healthy products can adjust and control blood sugar, avoid diabetes, reduce obesity and improve health. The application of Luohanguo has been shift from original extensive to health type. Thus, the traditional Luohanguo application is on the processing of a functional healthy type. We have opened up a road to characteristic healthy industry that focuses on research and application of Luohanguo Low GI nutrition products. And we have got the approval and high praise from home and abroad. The company has won many scientific research achievements and a series of patents were registered, which indicates that the technology in this field is advanced at home and abroad. So, our company has become a national professional Luohanguo application and production enterprise. 对代理商的要求:厂家授予代理商**的区域经营权,签订代理协议和颁发代理证书,保障代理商的**区域代理权,区域的经销商供货权全部授予代理商,记入该区域的销售业绩;2、提供先进的营销策划方案,从前期的渠道构建,到后期的推广、促销,帮助代理商轻松走上正轨;3、提供全程的培训服务:为了使代理商的销售人员**好的了解产品,了解公司,公司定期的、专业的培训销售人员,转达**新的产品信息,**新的公司战略;4、科学有效的信息反馈解决措施:公司不但有专业的信息收集部门,还有定期的市场巡视制度,及时发现市场问题,及时解决,与消费者、代理商保持*距离的接触;5、厂家提供相应的物料和赠品支持,针对不同的区域,提供全程的促销方案,代理商轻松的开展各类的促销活动;6、代理商在2个季度完成全年计划任务的*0%,返还市场保证金的*0%,作为进一步投入市场的支持。7、针对重点区域,厂家提供外围各大媒体的广告支持(包括电视、报纸、专业杂志等主流媒体),大力拉动终端产品的销售。 可提供的支持: 1、厂家提供先进的营销策划思路
企业名称: 桂林集琦实力天然物科技有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广西/桂林 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
所属范围: 实力宝纯罗汉果饮料